Búsqueda con fotos: Binder

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4Artículos como: Ultra-low temperature freezers UFV700-230V Temperature range: -90 °C to -40... detalles 2Artículos como: Ultra low temperature freezers UFV350UL-120V Temperature range: -90 °C to -40... detalles 4Artículos como: Ultra low temperature freezers UFV500UL-120V Temperature range: -90 °C to -40... detalles

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Water supply set  Water supply set - external, free-standing,consisting of... detalles
Depósitos para agua ultrapura

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BINDER PURE AQUA SERVICE Hard-wearing and long-lasting systemPressure... detalles Convenient water supply  Convenient water supply - External, with magnetic... detalles
Estufas de incubación

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2Artículos como: Standard-Incubators B028-120V   Temperature range: 30 °C to 70 °C... detalles 2Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD023-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD056-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD115-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD260-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD400-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BD720-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BDS056-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Standard-Incubators BDS115-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles
Estufas de secado

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Drying and heating chambers M115-230V Temperature range: +23°C above ambient... detalles Drying and heating chambers M260-400V Temperature range: +14°C above ambient... detalles Drying and heating chambers M720-400V Temperature range: +14°C above ambient... detalles Drying and heating chambers E028-230V Temperature range: +60 °C to +230... detalles 4Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED023-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 6Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED056-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 6Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED115-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 6Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED260-230V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED400-400V-I Temperature range: +5°C above... detalles 4Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers ED720-400V Temperature range: +5°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers EDS056-230V Temperature range: +7°C above ambient... detalles 4Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers EDS115-230V Temperature range: +7°C above ambient... detalles Safety drying chambers FDL115-230V Temperature range: +10°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers FP056-230V Temperature range: +10°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers FP115-230V Temperature range: +10°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers FP260-230V Temperature range: +10°C above ambient... detalles 2Artículos como: Drying and heating chambers FP720-400V Temperature range: +12°C above ambient... detalles Drying and heating chambers M056-230V Temperature range: +23°C above ambient... detalles
Estufas de secado al vacío

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Incubadores de CO2

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Incubadores refrigerados

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Mesas de laboratorio

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Otras bombas para líquidos

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Otros materiales para el laboratorio

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Otros sistemas de tratamientos de aguas

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Placas soporte

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Rodillo de tensión para agitadores de rodillo

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Sistemas de vacío

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Software de seguridad

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Temperature sensors

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