Laboratory Chamber Furnace ELF 11/6 301 single ramp PID controller

Laboratory Chamber Furnace ELF 11/6 301 single ramp PID controller
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Número de artículo.: CELF1163010000000 4.372,77 € para 1 Pieza más IVA (21%) más costes de envío
Chamber Furnace
(220 - 240 V -SR-single phase + N)

The picture shows an item from the same kind.
Size and outfit could be different to that type.

one ramp to setpoint
99 hour process timer which can be programmed for a timed delay at the start of the process or used as a countdown timer.

Upgrade from 301 to CC-T1 touchscreen (00050670)
Over-temperature protection digital (OPTOTCF)
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